Saturday, August 18, 2012

Last Day Of Ramadhan Al-Mubarak 1433


It's the last day of Ramadhan. Im waiting for the rice to cook for sahur. Why not I write something here. Haven't wrote anything for quite awhile.

        You know, when you miss something when it's not there. You know like. If something or somebody is here with us we don't really miss them. It's when they are gone or not with us we know the value of their existence. What about the month of Ramadhan? Have you ever feel that you have not done all that you can to utilize the month that Allah S.W.T gave to us for repentance and double, triple (berlipat ganda) the rewards for doing good deeds. I feel it now. How it feels to miss the month of Ramadhan. How I have not utilize the holy month. No action, nor words can utter the feeling that I'm feeling now. Feel wasted.

Hope I have the chance to be in the Month of Ramadhan next year insyaAllah.