Thursday, January 23, 2014

It's been awhile..

Asslamua'laikum dudes and dudettes, did I Spell that right?.. I think I got it right..

It has been so long since I blogged. Freaking... damn long. Just checked the last entry and it was in December 2012... 2012 man.. What's the date today? It's 23rd of January 2014. hahaha..

So... What has been happening? Anything new?

Yeah!! I got a Handsome Baby Boy!! Woottss. He is 8 months old now. How time flies.. fly? lalat?
 Date of birth is 17th May 2013. My birthday is 17th June 1983. Close enough. I ask my boy to come out on the 17th June but he will be overdue hakhak... Then I ask him to wait one more day so he can still come out on the 17th .. 17th of May that is. hahaha.. He actually listened to ayah even still in his mama's womb. Sayang anak ayah. His name is Tengku Maqil Nafees bin Tengku Muzaffar.

Wow.. bin Tengku Muzaffar tu. hak hak..

Dudes and Dudettes.. i have to go to work now. so.... Later..

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