Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wow.. Morning!! Pukul 1am.....

Assalamualaikum.... again....

I like writing a blog. So "like" that I want to write again. My wife has already went to sleep. Actually she, "pengsan" while playing with her phone (nothing new there). Ape nak cakap. Kesian dia penat layan customers. She working Maybank. Penat oh.

Sometimes, I think about how we met (me and my wife). Hmm kinda funny how everything fall into place(you know what i mean?). Kalau kita di takdirkan bersama, dengan izin Allah. Bersamalah kita. Kalau tak, tak jadi punya.

Me and my wife met at my colleague's, sister's wedding. How funny is that? She jual mahal at first. haha.. But she said that I was the one who "jual mahal". But to tell you the truth, I MALU!! My friend picked me up at me place. She was already in the car. You know what was her first impression of me? "Spoiled Brat" Man!! Ape lak?. Rabak seyh!! but she ended up kawining this "Spoiled Brat" hehehehe. :)

On our first date, We went to the Curve. I picked her up, had lunch with her. NO, she watched me eat. Diet ke per? tak pon. tak lapar kata dia. Ye la tuh!! Malu ke per?.. And then after that we went to see the movies. Typical first date la kot. Cuba teka tgk citer ape? Upin and Ipin the Movie. Love those kids. huhu..

I tricked her in watching the movie. She actually wanted to watch another movie but. I don't wanna. So I told her, "I will say the the names of the two movies in turn quietly in my mind, and the last movie that i say in my mind when we reach the counter will be our first movie that we watch together". Like i said, i tricked her. I already put it in my mind to watch Upin and Ipin from the start. ngeee hehe. So then we watched Upin and Ipin!! Im so gonna tell this to my kids one day. hehehe.. "Hey kids, you know how I met you mother?" hehehe.. :)

Selesai lah sudah cerita. Sebenarnya bukan nak cerita pon. Tapi, it just came out.

Good nite Everybody. :) Assalamualaikum

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