Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dried Leaves: To Burn, Or Not To Burn.

Assalamualaikum, Hows it going?

Dried leaves. A lot of fallen dried leaves on by back yard. Literally covered with dried leaves. So decided to sweep the entire backyard. Oppsss.. Wait. I don't have a leaf rake (Pengkais Daun). I then decided to buy it at a local Hardware Store. Got it!! Yeah ready to sweep the backyard. Wow.

        Wow.. It took me about an hour to finish up the whole backyard. There are still leaves here and there, not completely clean. But, I left it like that, since there's loads of trees back there. Leaves will keep on falling... fallingggg... There was like 4 pile of bundled leaves. 3 small ones and 1 large, Big... Big ... Big. I was contemplating with myself on how to dispose the dried leaves.
To Burn Or Not To Burn?

At first I didn't want to burn it. Decided to put it the garbage bag and put it outside so the garbage disposal truck takes it. But then, I changed my mind because it took me 20 minutes just to fill up two garbage bags with the dried leaves. And that was only half of the small pile of dried leaves. I reckon if I continue till I finish, it will take me three hours and loads of garbage bag. And a sore back. huhu :P

So, then I burnt the leaves. Not a good idea. I was actually cursing people who does it around the neighborhood. But not in their faces, obviously! Lots of smoke. lot.. lot.. a lot!!! Then heard my neighbors starting to close their windows and doors. There was a lot of smoke.Man!! I feel bad. Not good for the environment. Didn't burn all of the dried leaves. Gonna leave it for the weekend and dispose of it using the garbage bag.

I promised myself not to burn the leaves anymore. HUHU.. Sorry neighbors!!

Heres a link about Health hazards of burning leaves.
Health Hazards Of Burning Leaves:

Don't burn your leaves!!

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