Thursday, June 14, 2012

Malaysian Muslim Aqidah Is Fading Away.

Assalamualaikum WBT, Hows it going?

I stumble upon a recent forum post. Stating a fact that Malaysian Muslim Aqidah is fading away. Iman is not anymore in our hearts. Allah S.W.T is not our priority in life anymore. Rasulullah S.A.W, Al-Quran and Hadith are not use as our guidelines in life anymore. I'm writing this not to condemn this young man. But I think he wrote the post on the basis of his understanding about Islam and also being young and eager towards life (Darah Muda la katakan).

         Being racist is one thing and being without a religion is one thing. We Muslim believe that Islam (religion) comes from Allah, The one true God, thru His Messenger, Muhammad S.A.W. It is not man made as some of them claim it to be. Islam is not only a religion, it is also a way of life. Aqidah as one of the main factor.

          Malay is not a religion, Malay is a race. Being Malay does not make you a Muslim. Majority of the Malays are Muslims. Being said that, some of the Muslims does not take Islam seriously. Religion is secondary in life to them. Let me ask you this question, "Where do you go when you die man?". We die then finish there? Finish? The End? Habis Cerita? In the Quran states that there is a life after death. So what do we do then? Most people think that they don't need religion, we can live in harmony and a peaceful life even we are not practicing any religion. That might be true. But some of the question in life cannot be answered.

           There was a joke I heard a while back. It goes like this. "There was a team of scientists in the future. Can create anything, even a mosquito. They decided to challenge God since they claim they can make anything. So they met God and said that they wanted to challenge Him to a contest on who can make something better. God took the challenge. God ask them to make a human out of dust. They accepted the challenge.First God made human out of dust. Then when it was the scientists turn to make the human. God stopped them and said " wait, use your own dust!". Allah created everything. Even you and me. We are a property of Allah S.W.T.

           Getting the blessings of Allah S.W.T should be our main priority in life. It is not wrong to marry anybody from other races and other religion. In my opinion when people from other religion marry a Muslim, they should convert. Please convert!. Islam is the best religion I know. Give it a try. InsyaAllah, Allah will open a Path to Him and His Jannah!! InsyaAllah.




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